
The first time ever electronically  accessed a document remotely, was using something called AARP-NET. there were only 12 nodes ( websites) and most equipment was one off custom built. The memory of a cheap cell phone took up an entire building and the time it could take to access a particular item could be measured in days

today things are a bit different


With literally thousands of Manufacturers making millions of products that make possible hundreds of systems. It takes constant education and understanding of the latest technology or be left behind. with pricing and redundant systems, it is likely your site benefits from several technologies running in parallel. At Active Networks Services we are proud to say “We didnt invent the internet. But were there when it was born” we not only understand all legacy systems and stay up to the minute on latest solutions but also updates to existing technology to make it seamlessly mesh with your current needs.

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We are proud to have experience with some of the most well-known and trusted names in the IT field

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All Images and trademarks are the possession of their respective owners, are used for information purposes only and in no way are meant to imply endorsement of any Of the respective brand owners of our expertise or other qualifications. Individual certifications are available upon request


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